Projectile redirection

Changing the direction of a projectile lets you break walls that can not be broken otherwise. Even if it is usually done by bashing a projectile, there are other options for it.


The first one is the shard deflector which lets you change the direction of a projectile by hitting it with Sword or Hammer.


You can also use Grenade: when it explodes, grenade blast off projectiles, changing its direction. You can make Grenade explode by either pressing your Grenade button while there is already a Grenade on screen or by launching it into the ground or an enemy.


Sentry will explode when it runs out, which changes the direction of projectiles. Sentry's area of effect is much smaller than Grenade so you will need to be much more precise.

Dash and Launch

Just after releasing a bash, you can use either dash or launch to catch up to the thing you bash and bash it again.