
What we call a path is what skills you need in order to reach a pickup from a certain point. Each option in the Paths tab of the Seed Generator is a collection of paths which can be toggled. When generating a seed, the Seed Generator is using the options you chose from this tab to ensure you can always finish the game by placing every progression item on a pickup you will be able to reach, according to the paths you selected.


The first kind of paths are difficulties. Each difficulty has its own guidelines which dictate what kind of game mecanics the randomizer might expect from you. At the moment, there are two fully finished and validated difficulties with Moki and Gorlek, as well as two unfinished ones, called Kii and Unsafe.

  • Moki is the easiest difficulty within the randomizer. It only requires using game mechanics the base game teaches you.
  • Gorlek is the difficulty just above Moki, adding easy to learn game mechanics.
  • Kii is the difficulty above Gorlek, adding some more precise movement options.
  • Although Unsafe is defined as a difficulty, it doesn't have any guidelines; it's simply a collection of path which doesn't respect the guideline of the other difficulty.

Each difficulty also includes every path from previous difficulties, which means every Moki path is included in the Gorlek difficulty. You can learn more about what the game can expect from you when playing in a difficulty by reading their respective pages.


The second kind of paths are glitches. All difficulties are glitchless by default but you can activate different glitches within these difficulties by selecting the corresponding options in the Paths tab of the Seed Generator.

  • Sword Sentry Jump is a glitch which lets you get a lot of height by combining Sword and Sentry. This option adds grounded sentry jumps using Sword in Gorlek and above.
  • Hammer Sentry Jump is a glitch which lets you get a lot of height by combining Hammer and Sentry. This option adds grounded sentry jumps using Hammer in Gorlek and above.
  • Shuriken Break is a way to break walls from the wrong side by clipping shuriken into walls. This option adds them in Gorlek and above.
  • Sentry Break is a way to break walls from the wrong side by using Sentry. This option adds them in Unsafe.
  • Spear Break is a way to break small walls from the wrong side by clipping Spear into walls. This option adds them in Unsafe.
  • Hammer Break is a way to break walls from the wrong side by using Hammer. This option adds them in Unsafe.
  • Sentry Burn is using Sentry as a way to activate lanterns and melting ice. This option adds them in Gorlek and above.
  • Remove Kill Plane is a way to disable the kill plane in Feeding Grond, which lets you access Weeping Ridge without collecting the wisps. This option adds this trick in Gorlek and above.