
You can access every randomizer's features through the launcher. In order to open it, simply open Ori and the Will of the Wisps Randomizer.exe from your randomizer's installation folder.

From there, you have multiple tabs for launching a seed, generating a seed, accessing your settings, looking at statistics of your current game or playing in multiplayer.


This is the main page of the launcher. From here, you can read through the patch notes of every version as well as launching your latest seed. If a new release is available, the launcher will inform you and let you decide if you want to update before starting your game.

From here, you can also create a multiplayer game by using the New Game button, access the wiki and other important location:

  • Open seeds directory: Open in your file explorer the folder in which all the seeds you generated are stored.
  • Open randomizer directory: Open the directory in which the randomizer itself is located (which is different from the folder of the launcher).
  • Create support bundle: Whenever something unexpected such as a crash happens, you can create a support bundle in which every important files for the developpers of the randomizer are stored. Share this with a dev to help them figuring out the bug.
  • GitHub: Open the Ori Rando's organization page which list every repositories related to the randomizer
  • Discord: An invitation to the Ori speedrun Discord to nerd out with the Ori players. Really useful to found players to play with or if you need help with anything!


This tab will most likely appear as a number, next to the Home tab. It is where you can setup multiplayer games. To access this tab you need to be logged in, which is using Discord. There is multiple way to play with other players which are all explained on the multiplayer page.

Seed Generator

From this tab, you can generate seed by using the seed generator. A seed is a file containing informations about where every items are located and you need one in order to play the randomizer.


Here, you will be able to see statistics about your current game such as your number of deaths, the time spend in each area or the number of pickup you collected. You have to load a savefile in order to see those information.


In the settings, you can both access general settings which let you enable different kind of options such as mouse aiming or restoring cutscenes as well as accessing a key rebinding system for both controller and keyboard.