
During the seed generation, you have the option of enabling different hints through the use of headers. These are sold by NPCs and provide information on the locations of important skills.

The Trial Hint header reveals which pickup is on the a Spirit Trial when you activate it. Be attentive when activating a spirit trial because there isn't any way to see that hint once you activated it.

The Zone Hints header add hints on Lupo’s map: instead of giving you an item Lupo will give you a hint which tells you how many Key Items are in this area. Woods and Glades hint are sold by Lupo in Glades. Key Items include every skill, plus Clean Water and Water Breath.

The Teleporter Zone Hints header add an hint which will tell you how many Teleporters pickup are in the area. Woods and Glades hint are sold by Lupo in Glades. This header is compatible with the Zone Hints headers. If you activate both, Lupo will give you both the Teleporter and the Zone Hint at the same time.

The Key Hints header activates 3 different hints, which you can buy from Opher, Twillen and Lupo in Glades. They reveal in which area some important skills are located:

  • Twilen is selling a hint for Bash and Bow. This hint cost 1500 Spirit Light at first and its price will decrease by 500 if you own one of these two items.
  • Opher is selling a hint for Clean Water, Glide and Flap instead of selling Water Breath. In order to unlock this hint, you first need to complete Wellspring's escape and then buy it from Opher at 2500 Spirit Light. Like for Lupo’s hint, the price will decrease by 500 Spirit Light for every hinted skill you already have.
  • If you speak to Lupo in his house at Glades, you can purchase a hint revealing the areas in which you can find Water Dash, Burrow, Grenade, and Flash. The price of this hint starts at 4000 Spirit Light and will decrease by 500 for every hinted skill you already have.

After buying these hints, you can press Alt+P or open your map to display them again.